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5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Home Sellers…

 With spring just a few days away, you can almost hear the thrumming of the gears as the real estate industry revs up for the selling season. For home buying prospects and home sellers alike, the next few months represent the peak season for real estate activity, and that means prep work to get the homes into shape that are going to be listed for sale. Each home seller’s situation is different, depending on the age, condition, type and location of their home, but there are some consistent “MUST DO’s” for home sellers that ring true no matter your situation.

Pay attention to this chore list to ensure the best results when you sell your home:

  1. 1.       Straighten up the garage, cabinets and closets. Before your focus on the main areas of the house, start your home sale prep in the unlikely areas that are nonetheless a focus for prospects, your garage, closets and cabinets. While these areas may not be the main focus on your prospect’s lists of things to research, they can make a huge impression if they are not tended to before you start your open houses and walk-throughs. Take the time to de-clutter, organize and clean out your hidden and closed off areas before letting your real estate agent walk prospects through your home.Blog Photo March 2014
  2. 2.       Scrub the Toilet and Wash the Bathtub. Bathrooms and kitchens have the most potential “Wow” factor for prospects. They are areas in the home where a new potential family will spend a significant amount of time.  Before you list your home for sale, take a good look at the condition of your bathroom, from the fixtures to the tub, shower and toilet. Depending on the age of your home, you may have hard water stains or chipped porcelain. Take the time to do a deep cleaning and if the quality is still not there, you may need to consider calling a professional bathroom designer to update the look and condition of your bathrooms.
  3. 3.       Deep clean all your floor surfaces. Carpets, tile floors, wood floors or pergo, floors make a statement of the overall cleanliness and upkeep of the house, so they need your focus when you intend to sell your home. Rent a carpet cleaner, have your wood floors refinished or scrub and re-grout all tiles floors.
  4. Wash all the Windows. And we mean all. Inside and out, top to bottom of your home, think of your windows as eyes to the soul of your home for sale. Be sure they sparkle and are spotless.
  5. Tend Your Outdoor Spaces. Once you get your physical home tightened up for a walk-through with your prospects, turn your attention to your yard. Trim trees, cut the grass, landscape areas that need updating and maintain that look the entire time your home is listed for sale.

Prospective home sellers, now is the time to get the move on your spring cleaning so you can get your home listed and begin the real estate process. Remember, you never get the chance to re-do a first impression, so be sure your home speaks “buy me” to your prospects.


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