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American Express Business Loans

American Express Business Loans

Amex Business Card members who are looking for a medium-term loan can tap the company’s aptly named Business Loan product. You can check your pre-approved rate online through your American Express account and then apply for the loan at the quoted terms at any time.

Amex’s business loans use a traditional APR rather than a flat fee to calculate your interest. The better your credit, the better your APR will be. And the shorter your term, the less interest your loan will accrue. Payments are monthly and, as is the case with Amex’s other products, there are several payment methods to choose from.

If you not an Amex Business Credit Card Member you need to become a member to get the benefits of most American Express Business funding products.

Apply for Amex Business Credit Card

Here are the terms for Business Loans:

Borrowing amount: $3.5K – $50K
Term length: 1, 2, or 3 years
Factor rate/interest rate: 6.98 – 19.97% APR
Origination fee: None
Collateral: None


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1-American Express Business Loans

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1 – American Express Business Loans

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Fund your next opportunity:


Ready to grow? Expand your business with equipment upgrades or launch new products, services, or marketing initiatives.


Why wait for your busy season to get business done? Make repairs as soon as you need to or stock up on inventory—and buy in bulk for vendor discounts.


Managing different business card balances? Streamline your finances by consolidating your business card debt into one fixed monthly payment.


Check your rate.

Find out if you’re pre-approved by logging into your American Express account. You’ll see how much you could borrow and your maximum rate.

Apply easily.

Tell us how much you need up to your pre-approved amount. Then select a monthly payment option and provide some additional information about your business.

Get funded quickly.

If approved, we’ll disburse your funds in 3 to 5 business days once you review the terms and accept your loan.

Start Up Line of Credit Short Term Loans Long Term Loans Business Lines of Credit
BitX Funding start-up financing program connects entrepreneurs and business owners with $25,000 – $150,000+ in unsecured business lines of credit. This program can provide you with funding in as little as 10 days and is typically offered with 0% interest financing for the first 6-18 months. Designed to help meet short-term needs, such as unexpected events, or to take advantage of a great deal. Typically, most small business owners qualify. BitX Funding offers true long-term business loans with automatic monthly payments. If you are looking to Fund larger projects that pay back over a longer term with rates as low as 5.49% this option may be right for you? Business lines of credit allow you to draw funds whenever you need. Funds will be deposited directly into your bank account. Repay via automated weekly debits over six months. Your available balance replenishes as payments clear. Lines of credit can go as high as $100,000 with interest rates averaging around 13%.
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BitX Funding is the online marketplace for small business owners looking to fund a project. We specialize in connecting small business owners with lenders who will compete for your business. We believe small business owners drive the economy and we are passionate about helping your company reach its full potential.

You can reach a loan specialist by toll-free at 1-800-824-2407, or email at or applying online here and we can guide you on which loan is the best fit for your business.

The post American Express Business Loans appeared first on Alternative Small Business Loans.

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